Collective Biographies of Women
An Annotated Bibliography
Alison Booth
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175. Clayton, Ellen Creathorne [afterward Needham].
Celebrated Women: Stories of Their Lives and Examples, Literary, Social, & Historical: A Book for Young Ladies.
209. Crosland, Mrs. Newton [Camilla].
Memorable Women: The Story of Their Lives...With Eight Illustrations by Birket Foster.
Burder, Samuel, Thomas Gibbons, and George Jerment. Rev. Samuel Burder.
Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women of the British Empire.
37. Ashton, Sophia Goodrich.
The Girlhood of Celebrated Women: Women of Worth and the Mothers of the Bible. 2 vols. In 1.
41. Bacon, David Francis,
Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women of Britain and America.
Excellent Women.
609. O'Malley, I[da] B[eatrice].
Great Englishwomen.
729. Smith, Daniel,
Gems of Female Biography.
125. Bruce, Charles,
The Book of Noble Englishwomen: Lives Made Illustrious by Heroism, Goodness, and Great Attainments.
[Roberts, Mary.]
Select Female Biography: Comprising Memoirs of Eminent British Ladies, Derived from Original and Other Authentic Sources.
619. P[ardon], G[eorge] F[rederick].
Illustrious Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves for Virtue, Piety and Benevolence.
186. [Cochrane, Robert.]
Lives of Good and Great Women.
140. Cairns, C. C.
A Book of Noble Women.
Sharp, T., and John Stanford.
The Heavenly Sisters; or, Biographical Sketches of the Lives of Thirty Eminently Pious Females, Partly Extracted from the Works of Gibbon, Germont, and Others, and Partly Original: Designed for the Use of Females in General, and Particularly Recommended for the Use of Ladies' Schools. To which is Added, a Memoir of Mrs. Abigail, Wife of the Late President Adams, and a Sketch of the Active Life of Mrs. Sarah Hoffman.
200. Costello, Louisa Stuart.
Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen.
164. [Charles, Elizabeth Rundle].
Sketches of the Women of Christendom By the Author of “Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family.”
411. Holloway, Laura Carter [Langford].
The Mothers of Great Men and Women, and Some Wives of Great Men.
Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters, Ancient and Modern. Including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune-Tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers and Vagrants: Also Many Others who Have Distinguished Themselves by Their Chastity, Dissipation, Intrepidity, Learning, Abstinence, Credulity, &c., &c.: Alphabetically Arranged: Forming a Pleasing Mirror of Reflection to the Female Mind. Ornamented with Portraits of the Most Singular Characters in the Work.
Jerment, Rev. George, ed.
Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women, Who Were Ornaments of Their Sex, Blessings to Their Countries and Edifying Examples to the Church and World by Thomas Gibbons.
589. Mossman, Samuel.
Gems of Womanhood; or, Sketches of Distinguished Women in Various Ages & Nations.
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